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The three major causes of nutritional deficiencies are insufficient food intake, impaired nutrient absorption, and consuming a nutrient-deficient diet. Consuming foods that you or your pet have intolerances to may also create an inflammatory response at the cellular level, thus inhibiting optimal nutrient absorption. Another factor that can contribute to lower nutrient levels would be consuming poor-quality foods and/or supplements
The body absorbs and processes nutrients best when taken in the form of whole foods. When consuming enough whole foods is not possible, it is best to supplement with organic vitamins and minerals as the body often has trouble absorbing the synthetic version.
Synthetic vitamins and minerals are made in a lab from chemical compounds. This does not include "Whole Food Supplements" which are made from concentrated and dehydrated whole foods. Supplements that list nutrients individually (ex: Vitamin C) or by their chemical name (ex: Ascorbic Acid) are almost always synthetic.
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